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Giorgos Papadopoulos -OHI

adăugat de Maria la 9 octombrie 2009 16:43:14


Giorgos Papadopoulos
Ohi / No

Feygeis ki esy, feygei i zoi/
And you are leaving, life goes by
feygoyn oi meres /days go by
menei keno, tha pligotho / a vaccum is left, I shall be hurt
meres san sfaires /
days like bullets

Ohi, den yparhei kraygi /
No, there's no scream
den yparhei fili/
there is no kiss
den yparhei sygnomi/ there is no apology
Ohi, de se leo Theo No, I won't call you God
ti na peis, ti na po what can you say, what can I say
de soy allazo ti gnomi
I won't change your mind

Ohi, mi zitiseis fotia /
No, do not ask for fire
mi gyriseis ksana /
do not come back again
Ohi, mi zitiseis kardia /
no, do not request my heart
de gyrno sta palia /
I won't go back to bygones

Feygei to fos /
The light is going off
gine ehthros, gine skotadi/ become an enemy, become the dark
pos na sotho, poy na piasto /how can I save myself, what can I hold on to?
den ehei hadi /there is no caress

Ohi, den yparhei kraygi /
No, there's no scream
den yparhei fili /there is no kiss
den yparhei sygnomi /there is no apology
Ohi, de se leo Theo/ No, I won't call you God
ti na peis, ti na po /what can you say, what can I say
de soy allazo ti gnomi /I won't change your mind

Ohi, mi zitiseis fotia /
No, do not ask for fire
mi gyriseis ksana /do not come back again
Ohi, mi zitiseis kardia /no, do not request my heart
de gyrno sta palia /I won't go back to bygones

Eho hronia akomi.. / I still have years ahead of me...

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